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A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now

Writer's picture: Tommy Truthful Tommy Truthful



Believe it or not, the reason that most, if not all, of us are stuck here in this Matrix reality is because we agreed to be here on some level. There appear to be certain Natural Laws that have to be abided by in order for source, the creator God, to even allow this place to exist in the first place. This place might be nothing more than a science experiment or Experimental Avatar Reality Training Habitat aka E.A.R.T.H. that’s being run by a fallen angel or even an alien hive mind consciousness that may or may not be synthetic in origin. Whoever is in charge of this place has technology that is far beyond anything that even humans in the remote future would be capable of conjuring up. I’ve been leaning more towards our alien Archon controller being some kind of parasitic shape-shifting octopus/Hydra creature who uses the several Reptilian & Insectesoid “alien” races as a kind of mercenary enforcement brigade of sorts and also as the shepherds for herding and manipulating humanity to suit the best interests of the parasite in the long term. All without most of us humans ever having any idea. We are used as a physical and spiritual resource, and this simulation seems to be the extraction mechanism. “The Saturn Cube Octopus” is designed to steal your soul. I see octopus symbolism literally everywhere I look now that I’m paying attention for it.

"two two zero six" = 119 (Reverse)

Medici=119, Bankers=119, Sheeple=119, Lockdown=119, Vatican=119, Watchers=119 AKA Fallen Angels, These Smart Cites built by these Nephilim Hybrid Bloodlines are part of the beast system!

House of Medici First Banker Dynasty

The Medici family came from the agricultural Mugello regionnorth of Florence, and they are first mentioned in a document of 1230. The origin of the name is uncertain. Mediciis the plural of medico, meaning “medical doctor“.

The Medici family the kingmakers!!!

"Smart lights and poles" = 69(Chaldean) The bottomless pit=69, The Internet was created 33 years ago at CERN, The DWAVE Super computer is plugged into CERN Just like the 5G Grid, And the Smart Cities going up everywhere. Barack Obama the Antichrist=69, novel coronavirus=69, King Nebuchadnezzar=69, 69 Represent duality and Saturn.

72 Demons of the Lesser key of Solomon!

The Black Cube of Saturn EL & The Reincarnation Soul Trap | Gods and Robots: Ancient Dreams of Technology

The Black Cube of Saturn EL & The Reincarnation Soul Trap | Gods and Robots: Ancient Dreams of Technology | Adrienne Mayor

These unnamed Saturn Cube videos and the research by TrampleOnSnakes have really been bringing things together for me as far as the universe presenting synchronicity-laden messages about what the true nature of the Saturn Matrix Cube is and the specific parasitic dualistic-gendered entities that are behind it. They really do plaster the information everywhere for you to see it once you know to look for it. That seems to be part of the rules of this Masquerade. The good news is that becoming aware of it at all immediately debilitates many of the curses that are embedded in our languages and within many other constructs of pop culture and entertainment that are of this world and therefore of the Devil. Saturn = Chronos/Baal/Bael/Chtulu/Godyale/Zues/Jupiter/Mars/Lucifer/Satan/Michael/El who also IS: (dual gendered/duality/the twin system/opposing toroidal field/Boaz & Joachim/Red & Blue Shift/Good vs. Evil/Ying & Yang) Sofia/Gaia/Lilith/Borg Queen/Queen B (Isis/Inana/Ishtar/Tammuz)(mother dearest) The Cube/Kubbe is Pandoras box. In the below presentation the author claims that Pandora was the first Westworld style synthetic robot of sorts.

Saturn is the god of time and judgement and is the God of this world. In the Netflix series “Ares” the “Bael” entity(which is obviously also the Baal entity) is presented as assuming a similar role of rendering judgement upon those for their sins(Karma). YBD asserts that this place is a testing ground to deem ones worthiness of heaven or something like that.. E.A.R.T.H. = Experimental Avatar Reality Training Habitat.



When you have seen enough, you will have your Neo moment...

Decoding The Matrix,

Tommy Truthful

I started Learning Hermetic and Alchemy in 2013, That lead me to

Manly P. Hall the secret Teachings of all ages, This led me to Gematria.

Now on the law of attraction only book you ever need to read on this is Wayne W. Dyer book (number 2 on this list ) he covers everything you need to know, and he does it on very easy to understand and lighthearted way. Good luck! If you need one on one. I teach a lot in this Group with Private Zooms and much more, we have one Friday Night at 5PM EST 12-30-22. I also teach you to build your own website and use what you learn to make money doing something you Love to do. No Matter what you pick, I Guarantee I can get you successful where you never have to work another day again with in a year, If you fallow what I say. Using the Law of Attraction, Manifestation and Sacred Numerology and Astrology! This is how the Elites and Famous people achieve their Dreams using the Ancient Knowledge of Kings. What are you waiting for, Join Today.

Sale threw New Years....

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29 dic 2022

Great video!

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Wow, this stuff amazes me. I assume that's why they're so bent on getting EI's. Crazy world we live in now

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Colleen Cuff
Colleen Cuff
29 dic 2022

What’s messed up tommy is all this negative energy around here I went to jail last night for protecting myself I was getting ready to leave on Friday after 15 years of mental physical emotional abuse and he knew I was leaving well he has me screwed up I can’t go anywhere till after court

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