Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, an ancient Hebrew symbol for God
The 8-pointed Saturnian star, an ancient stargate
CERN has the 8 bars, The Vatican the 8 spokes on the wheel, Representing 8 points of time and space, Nibiru is not a Planet it is A dimension
Everything is Interdimensional, CERN Is a stargate to Release the Fallen Angels Built on the Temple of Apollo.
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Are Demonic Portals Opening Up Using Ancient Star Gate Technology?
8 Pointed Star Gate Opening of the Portals!!
Doenut Back up Youtube.
One of the most recurring symbols in ancient civilizations is the 8-pointed star. It was known as the “Star of Inanna” (the Sumerian goddess), the Ghassulian Star, the Lakshmi Star, and can be seen in ancient art-work; including the Tablet of Shamash and Akkadian Cylinder Seals. Some researchers have connected the 8-pointed star to the Paleo-SETI theory, which refers to the hypothesis that extraterrestrial gods visited Earth and made contact with humans in prehistoric times.

Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings, holds the Keys to The 8 Pointed Star Gate AKA CERN! January 2023 should be interesting.

Figure 2 In ancient Roman myth the god Janus was usually represented seated, with two heads. He is commonly known as a symbol of the duality in eternal laws. All the People that got the Jab, are now being used, to harvest their Energy to open these Gates! Like they showed us in Warcraft!

The 8-pointed star can be assigned to Nibiru, which is a term in the Akkadian language, and according to William Henry in his article ‘Stargate of the Gods’, translates to “crossing” or “gate”. In Henry’s Kroll’s book ‘Cosmological Ice Ages’, he identifies Venus as Nibiru. We therefore might think of the Saturn-Venus-Mars alignment as a gateway of sorts. These are Dimensions in the Multiverse. This alignment that occurred thousands of years ago, according to Talbott, went through various configurations (see the documentary series ‘Discourses on an Alien Sky’)
Of Course, he calls them Planets But Truly they are Dimensions, Mars is a dimension, Saturn a Dimension, That we can travel to VIA Star gate technology like CERN!
And at one point formed a triangle, as shown in the image below, which Talbott associates with the All-Seeing-Eye. As Talbott says in the ‘The Saturn Myth’ book: “Saturn wears the band as a golden girdle. He dwells in it as the pupil of the All-Seeing-Eye. It is impossible to pursue Saturn’s ancient image, without encountering the paradise of Eden, the lost Atlantis, the one-wheeled “chariot of the gods”, or the All-Seeing-Eye of heaven”. Nibiru is a Dimension not a Planet Check out this Blog - The Star of Inanna Connected to Nibiru and Cern
“ Assembly of the Gods” – 12 Royal Anunnaki Family Members; King Anu & Selected Descendants
(ANU + ANTU – King & Queen, royal rulers of Nibiru) The 12 main royal family of gods from Nibiru, & their ranking order numbers

(Anunnaki King Anu) (Anu in his sky-disc) (son & heir Enlil, King Anu, & eldest son Enki in their sky-d
. Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, an ancient Hebrew symbol for God
They are opening this Stargate to the Fallen Angels! CERN Is an Ancient Summons spell.

The Sumerians Created the First Star Gate!

The 8-Pointed Star Gate Below.

CERN 1: Large Hadron Collider 7:57 into video talks about Summoning Technology.
This comment below is From the Video me Doenut Factory and JaunonJuan did, i will include it below. So CERN Breaks the World Record on Energy on 7-5-22, My Brother Joseph Acquaviva2222 About CERN And the 75 connection below. Locke & Key CERN Predictive Programming 75 Connection

On 911 the Tower was hit at 8:46, They Kneeled on George Floyd for 8:46 seconds, all Energy Harvest Rituals Building on opening the gates of HELL! 3-11-2020 the Start of this Energy Harvest and the opening of Portals, Until 7-5-22 846 days!!

The Beast=311, financial crash=311

From 911 a massive energy harvest opening of these Gates, Until CERN breaks the world record in Energy on 7-5-22 and nothing has been right since then!

The first case of CORONA Was 1-21-2020, The New Variant Of Omicron in the USA On
12-1-21 so 121 forwards and Reverse! Don't Forget DMX And Prince Phillip's Ritual Sacrifice and the Number 121, On April Ninth LIL NAS X birthday who made the 666 pairs of Satan Shoes, And has the 8 Pointed Star tattooed on his chest!


Glitch in the Matrix Podcast #3 ANCIENT ALIEN MYSTERY OF THE ARCHONS Doenut Factory and JuanonJuan