The European Space Agency has issued a new challenge to amateur astronomers across the world. Find an asteroid, smaller than the Statue of Liberty, which is approaching Earth fast. The space rock will make a close approach to Earth on December 15, passing by at a distance of just 6,86,000 km from Earth.
Asteroids are rocky fragments left over from the formation of the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. An asteroid is classified as a near-Earth object when its distance from our planet is less than 1.3 times the distance from Earth to the Sun (the Earth-Sun distance is about 93 million miles), according to the Nasa Joint Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
The distance is under two lunar distances, and observers in the Southern Hemisphere will get the best view during close approach. Dubbed 2015 RN35 will have a visual magnitude below 14, the same as that of Pluto in the night sky, making it difficult to find. However, ESA has said that telescopes 30 cm and larger should be able to detect the Christmas asteroid.
Emotional Energy Harvesting (Must Watch)
This is the practice of 'Gematria' assigning a number to each letter, when spelling out a word it results in a numerical value, we then tie these numerical values to the date numerology, exploring the patterns that are laid out before us. - Script All My bothers Links:
This is a Massive Loosh Energy Harvest, We live in an enclosed organic Simulation, They are doing this for the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia, To harvest People's Fears and Keep them on a Lower Vibrational Frequency!

The Near-Earth Object (NEO) could be observed from 15-17 December, with Europe getting a chance over the following days until about 19 December.
The pandemic started on 3-11-2020, From that date until 12-19-2022=73, Sacrifice=73, The King took the Throne at 73!
From and including Wednesday, March 11, 2020, To and including Monday, December 19, 2022
Result: 1014 days 114/411 Missing People, George Floyd's event started this whole Corona Scam and his Birthday is 10-14-73, So there is a connection there! 33 months, 144 weeks, Jesuit Order=144!
Near Earth Object aka NEO?
33 Months Really?

And Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honor of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn.

From and including: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 To and including: Monday, December 19, 2022
Result: 7770 days, Numeric Ritual=777

The Asteroid That Ended the Dinosaurs Caused a Tsunami 30,000 Times Stronger Than Any We’ve Ever Seen(Dailymotion)
"2015 RN35 will not shine bright in the skies. There's not a single asteroid out there that isn't interesting. Near-Earth asteroids fascinate ESA's Planetary Defense Office in particular because they give us key insights into the composition and trajectory of potentially hazardous objects," ESA said in a statement.
The asteroid is interesting for astronomers since there isn't much information available about it and no one knows what it's made of. ESA said that no one knows what it's made of or precisely how big it is or if it's spinning on its axis or even knows its orbit particularly well.
"This uncertainty makes it like hundreds of thousands of similarly sized asteroids out there. While we've found nearly all the huge planet-killers, most of these middle-sized asteroids – of which there are several hundred thousand, and which could do great damage to a local area if they were to impact – are yet to be discovered," ESA added.
Astronomers had recently discovered an asteroid moments before it hit Earth. Astronomer David Rankin discovered 2022 WJ1 just hours before it hit Earth and was captured in footage and cameras in Canada. Less than 3 feet in diameter, the asteroid was detected just hours before it managed to streak through a fiery entry into Earth's atmosphere.
This is a Massive Loosh Energy Harvest, We live in an enclosed organic Simulation, They are doing this for the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia, To harvest People's Fears and Keep them on a Lower Vibrational Frequency!
So there is an allegedly real phenomenon called "loosh farming," wherein disembodied astral spirits harvest some kind of emotional energy from the emotions of humans on earth. Robert Monroe wrote about this in the book Far Journeys. If anyone has read about the tragedy at AstroWorld then perhaps you’ve come across the term loosh harvesting by archons (aliens). Have a read. That’s why it’s important to always be in high vibrations As I recall, changelings can harvest emotional energy from human emotions. However, changelings are embodied people, not disembodied spirits. For Example, the AstroWorld sacrifice was a massive Loosh Harvest! A Dark, Ominous Alien Figure looms over the top Of the Set At Astroworld While People Die in the Crowd; Tied to Loosh Harvesting

The reason this is so alarming is that many concertgoers have reported feeling a demonic and evil presence, or “vibe”. This leaves the woke population wondering if this whole Luciferian scene was orchestrated by a harmful alien race, AKA Fallen Angels Vril Reptilians!
Some sources from the concert describe the demonic feeling in the air:
Minds wander instantly to Loosh energy harvesting. For those that aren’t awakened to interdimensional happenings, Loosh is energy produced by human beings (and animals) that other entities use to feed from. The term is also used to refer to the energy that is produced from the feelings of human misery and suffering that interdimensional entities feed from.

See that 201 Again?

The infamous interdimensional beings most known for siphoning this Loosh are the Archons. Archons are an extremely evil alien race with an affinity for slavery, selfishness, and all things misery.
These Archons have a pact so to say with the Saturn Death Cult, aka our ruling class. This Saturn Death Cult originally worshiped the Sun, but they quickly realized that when they were sacrificing children to this God, specifically baby boys, a “demon“ would come into existence. This “demon” was actually an archon alien (because demons and hell aren’t actually real, but that’s a topic for a different article). Our ruling class made a business deal with them. The Archon aliens, who’s leader is Lucifer himself, would give the Saturn Death Cult all kinds of power on Earth as long as the Saturn Death Cult members would do 2 things:
1. Breed misery across the planet for the purpose of Loosh harvesting.
2. Sign a contract in the blood that would marry each Saturn Death Cult member to a single archon. While the human cult member was alive, the Archon would be his slave and serve the cult member’s every wish through various methods.
Many celebrities have this Blood Doctrine which is where they sign their soul to an Archon where, yes, the Archon becomes their slave while they are on Earth granting them fame and riches. However, there is a second, less desirable part of this deal. Their soul is doomed to become the Archons slave after they die. Does Travis Scott have such a Blood Doctrine? Is this evil Loosh harvesting for their Archon Allies the reason for the concert's disturbing carnage? And most importantly, was an Archon finally captured on film?
From AstroWorld until the 19th
From and including: Friday, November 5, 2021 To and including: Monday, December 19, 2022
Result: 410 days, Alien=41 (Ordinal)
112.33% of a common year (365 days)
Jesuits are in 112 Nations, 33 the Highest Degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry!

Do you believe we are being harvested By interdimensional Entities for our Loosh Energy?
0%I don't know enough.
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