And here is the Decode - Avril Lavigne – I’m a Mess
Aaron's Party (Come Get It) Studio album by Aaron Carter
released September 26, 2000 (2000-09-26)
Released in the Ember Months Of Orange, He is Sacrificed in the Ember months!
From and including: Tuesday, September 26, 2000
To, but not including Saturday, November 5, 2022=22 years, 1 month, 10 days, So 22 and 11.
22+11=33, You have 3 Master numbers 11,22,33, This is why JFK Was killed on 11-22-63, And now Aaron Dies 22 years, 1 month, 10, days after the Release of Aarons's Party Come Get It! 36 is the 666 triangular number 666 is known as the number of the beast. It is also a triangular number because it is the sum of all the counting numbers from 1 to 36. And in the Aron Carter Decode Below you Will see the Connection to The Destroyer, on a 3,600 Year Cycle.

Eighty One=36, Ritual=81, Golden Gate Bridge=81

Adam and Eve=36, And 7 years before Corona The CIA Released the Adam and Eve story about Pole Shift! Once you Look at AARON Decode you will understand, It is connected to The Destruction of the Golden gate bridge the next 911 type of event, And the Plasma Apocalypse, Were Plasma Punchs a Whole threw the Firmament.

November=36, He Dies in November! Lizz Truss=36 Matching with Come Get it, She stepped down after 45 days Bridge=45.

The Black Pope, Arturo Sosa & the coronavirus outbreak

Superior General, or the Black Pope of the Jesuits, Arturo Sosa, syncs up with the key dates, January 21 and March 11, 2020.
*Sosa = 54 / 54 *Jesuit Order = 54
As of 2020, he has been a Jesuit for 54 years.

*Arturo Sosa = 147 *Freemason = 147
*Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal = 96 *Freemason = 96
*The Very Reverend Arturo Sosa = 145 *Catholic = 145
From the Jesuit Superior General’s 71st birthday, November 12, 2019, to the first case of coronavirus being confirmed in the United States, January 21, 2020, was 70-days later. *Coronavirus = 70

You could also say it was his 71st day of his age, 71. *Catholic = 71

The date the pandemic was declared, March 11, 2020, was the 121st day of his age, not unlike January 21, the date the first case was confirmed in the United States. *Revelation = 121*Coronavirus Outbreak = 121

*Superior General = 84 *Jesuit = 84
*Superior General = 222 *Order Out of Chaos = 222
*Wuhan Coronavirus = 222, Corona Happened 222 months after 911.
Keep in mind the day he was installed, October 14, is the day leaving 78-days left in the year, reminding that March 11 was 78-days after the Jesuit Anthony Fauci’s birthday, the man who has been in his chair since ’84.
George Floyd's Birthday 10-14

What does it mean to see a bridge in a dream?
Material aspects: This almost invariably indicates the crossing from one phase of life to another, perhaps a rite of passage.

Personal Focus: A bridge is essentially that which makes a connection between two separate entities. It can offer a solution to the problem of getting across an obstacle of some kind. Since it takes you from one place to another, it also carries the meaning of a transition in life. Man-made constructions that require a high level of sophisticated engineering to create express the complicated ways in which we often approach solving problems in life. They also represent the ability to expand into new territory previously unavailable for exploration. The primary meaning, however, relates to the connections we make in life, hence the warning in the phrase don’t burn your bridges.
Since many bridges are suspended over water, an emotional issue is often the underlying conflict being expressed by this symbol. The intensity of the water below will indicate the level of emotions being stirred up. Some bridges, however, are used to traverse difficult terrain over land. In a dream, this might point to some construct or obstacle in your life that you’d rather avoid by somehow rising above it. If there is a conflict in your life that you can easily identify, a bridge in a dream may be symbolic of bringing together opposite sides of an issue. The integrity of the construction of a bridge could illuminate how effectively you are approaching the situation.
Shoot the Moon (Earth Dome Theory) Plasma Event!
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