
TECHNOLOGY | 28.7.2022 | 7:48 AM Be warned – that spider you slayed may just grab back as scientists are turning their inanimate bodies in to robots. It’s the latest move in the world of soft robotics, where scientists have experimented with various natural textiles – in this case, spider cadavers. Dr Daniel Preston and his colleagues at the Preston Innovation Laboratory, who published their study in the Advanced Science journal on Monday, have been repurposing the bugs as “robotic grippers”. Dubbed “zombie spiders”, the mechanics of it all were inspired when lead author Faye Yap observed spiders curling up after death.
"zombie spiders" = 52(Chaldean), tower of babel=52, cube of saturn=52 Link Saturn Symbolism - https://tommytruthful.com/the-six-pointed-hexagram-star-has-been-used-as-a-talisman-and-for-conjuring-up-spirits-in-satanic-occult-magic/
extraterrestrials=52, AKA Fallen Angel's - https://tommytruthful.com/aliens-and-the-end-times-deception/
August Eleven=52, The Day the Pope Was Given This witch Craft Staff - https://tommytruthful.com/franciss-witching-staff-occult-vatican-ritual/
Prison Planet=52, law of reversal=52, Law of Reversal - http://www.ih2000.net/chembio/occult.htm Spiders function with a hydraulic system that allows them to extend them legs, unlike human antagonistic muscle pairs like biceps and triceps in humans. Dr Yap explained: “When they die, they lose the ability to actively pressurize their bodies. That’s why they curl up.” The case was then made to leverage the mechanism for its “perfect architecture”. None of JK Rowling’s unforgiveable curses are involved in the control of these arachnids, but the dark art of “necrobotics” seems equally chilling. Speaking to the Standard, Dr Preston said that public surprise at the materials is often followed by an “a-ha moment” when they understand the mechanism. Dr Preston, assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rice University in Houston, said: “We hope this research will spark new ideas for how we can respectfully and sustainably source and utilize biotic materials for robotics applications. “While the necrobotic gripper may not appeal to everyone, especially arachnophobes, we emphasize that the spiders used in our work are inanimate and are employed solely as a naturally derived material that can readily function in robotic systems.” So, no undead claw machines – for now.
Now Lets take a look at the Numbers,
Gematria is a Jewish form of numerology in which the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are substituted with corresponding numbers. The first ten letters are given number values that increase consecutively from 1 to 10. The next eight letters are given number values that increase by a factor of ten from 20 to 90.
‘Necrobotics" = 42(Chaldean), The Georgia Guidestones Destroyed in the 42nd Year, The Beast Rules for 42 Months in the End Times.
Reincarnation=42, Silicon valley=42, Forty ninth=42 , Antichrist=49, CladeX=49 The Pandemic simulation 666 days later the Pandemic happens on 3-11-20, false messiah=42 Blue Bloods=42 eighty eighth=42, Lions Gate 88 - https://tommytruthful.com/lions-gate-is-a-well-known-motif-in-the-kabbalah-boys-club-in-hollywood/
Fourteen=42, Time=14, Cell=14 The Movie Cell that Turned the Masses into Zombies - https://tommytruthful.com/cell-predictive-programming-5g-apocalypse/
The Vaccine went live in the USA 12-14-2020 During the CORONA Eclipse, Corona Started with Trump the President born on 6-14-1946 During a Blood moon over Jerusalem that he then Made the Capital Fulfilling End Time Prophecy, Osiris Chopped Up in 14 pieces ISIS Found 13 Made a golden Phalls and Reanimated Osiris to Create Horus! This is Black Magic Reanimating the Dead, And the Reason the CDC Released the Zombie Apocalypse warning on 3-4-2021 - https://gematriaeffect.news/cdcs-zombie-preparedness-goes-viral-march-4-2021-by-the-numbers/
TwentyTwo=42 the Master Builder Number, you have 3 Master Numbers 11, 22, 33,
scottish rite=42, The House of the Temple, the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, on Washington's 16th Street. The design was inspired by the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, in Turkey. A couple of sphinxes on huge pedestals flank the steps.
In the center of the temple room is a large altar. Brent Morris, a mathematician by trade and editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, tells Robert Siegel that when a Masonic meeting is open, a volume of sacred law is open representing God's revelation to man.
"When a man becomes a member," Morris says, "he is asked to place his hand upon the book that he considers binding on his conscience." The temple has copies of the Bible, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Old Testament, the Zend-Avesta, the Sutras and the Quran.
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A bronze statue of George Washington — who, along with a dozen other U.S. presidents, was a member of the Freemasons — stands in the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Va.
"This, we figured, will cover 99.9 percent [of members]," Morris says. "And if it doesn't, we'll get whatever's needed."
Spiritual, But Not A Religion
The rites inside the temple are at some level spiritual, and though they are related to religion, Freemasonry is not a religion. Morris explains that when the group was organized from a stonemasons' guild in 1717, its members adopted the radical proposition that men of different faiths can agree on God's existence. There God is Lucifer you find this out when you go from the 32nd degree to the 33!
Brown's novel The Lost Symbol includes scenes of secret initiation rites in which wine is drunk from a skull. Morris says that does not happen — anymore.
"There used to be another branch of Freemasonry in the United States, or another branch of Scottish Rite Masonry, in competition with us. ... It's been dead for over a century."
Still, Masonic secrecy often inspired opposition to the society. In the 19th century, the Vatican issued anti-Masonic encyclicals, one of them branding the Masons "the Synagogue of Satan."
Mozart was a Mason at the end of his life — The Magic Flute is said to be full of Masonic references.
Mozart was a mason, and his opera The Magic Flute is full of Masonic symbols. Rudyard Kipling was also a Mason. His story "The Man Who Would Be King" is a playful adventure story involving Masons.
Although there are secrets to being a Mason, the boundaries of secrecy of Masonry aren't very clear, says Jay Kinney, author of The Masonic Myth.
"A lot of Masons sort of assumed that everything about the organization is a secret, and they just sort of clammed up, and that gave them a real reputation for being close-mouthed," Kinney tells Siegel. "However, the actual secrets that are not supposed to be revealed tend to be just the modes of recognition, which boil down to a few handshakes and hand gestures and the specific wording of degree rituals."
He says Mason symbols can be found on aprons, certificates and coffee cups. "It's all out there, and it's all fair game to discuss," Kinney says.
Still, the organization has attracted suspicion, partly because of its roster of powerful members: more than a dozen U.S. presidents and many prominent businessmen were Masons. This, in part, has led to the belief that Masons run the world.
"There may have been a smidgen of truth to that suspicion at one time," Kinney says.
He says in smaller towns, at one time, leading members of the community were Masons, and membership provided a private venue to discuss things. Kinney says there may have been a time when members used Masonic connections, but that is no longer happening.
"It's largely, at this point, a social organization that people enjoy each other's company," he says. "But there isn't discussion of power politics or how we're going to run the universe."
revelations=42, Master builder=42, Three three=42, Fallen Angel=42, golden calf=42,

golden calf, idolworshipped by the Hebrews during the period of the Exodus from Egypt in the 13th century BC and during the age of Jeroboam I, king of Israel, in the 10th century BC. Mentioned in Exodus 32 and I Kings 12 in the Old Testament, worship of the golden calf is seen as a supreme act of apostasy, the rejection of a faith once confessed. The figure is probably a representation of the Egyptian bull god Apis in the earlier period and of the Canaanite fertility god Baal in the latter. the rapture=42, We are Living in Biblical End times the Mixing Of the Iron and Clay Transhumanism Merging With AI.

C = Certificate.
O = Of.
V = Vaccination.
ID = Which will be your ID mark.
19 = 2019 The year it all began AI=19
Hidden in plain view.
Revelation 13:17
The Mark of the Beast
16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…
February 20, 2020 – New £20 notes featuring JMW Turner enter circulation. The Bank of England begins a mammoth operation to replace the most popular banknote in the country. At least 2 billion have been printed, and the Bank expects half of the country’s cash machines to have switched over within the next fortnight.
Second Thessalonians 2:6-7 reads, “And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.” Who is this restrainer?
Second Thessalonians 2:9-12 speaks of a strong delusion God will send in the end times: “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
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