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Balenciaga Blown Wide Open as Public Awakens to Elites Kids Agenda

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

  • The word victim is used 113 times in the Bible. The words "sacrifice for sin" are used 113 times in the NRSV.

Properties of the number 113


  • Symbol of the Christ immolated on the cross.


  • Salemi, who has deducted the sacrifices of animals in the Old Testament, points out that 113 bulls in whole were sacrificed comparatively to 1130 sheep.


  • By using a table of correspondence A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26, we find that, in French, "DIEU + JESUS" (god + Jesus) and "LIEU DU CRANE" (place of the cranium) give each one 113.

  • The numerical value of the Hebrew word SLIHE, meaning to refund a debt, gives 113.

The Panda Color is Black And White!

Checkerboard floors and masonic symbolism in movies.



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